
Natural Antioxidant Supplementation Prior to Infertility Treatment

2024-02-12T11:02:18-07:00June 13th, 2017|

CCRM Colorado is conducting a clinical research study of natural antioxidant supplementation (CCRM Acai) prior to infertility treatment.

Oxidative stress is known to be a significant contributor to ovarian dysfunction and subsequent poor oocyte quality. The aim of this study is to examine the clinical benefit of supplementation with a natural anti-oxidant prior to ovarian stimulation and in vitro fertilization (IVF) for women with a history of failed implantation.

Ongoing data reported by CCRM at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine in October 2016 has shown significant improvements in clinical outcomes for participants (n=138) that took the CCRM Acai supplements for 8-12 weeks prior to their IVF cycle, including higher number of eggs ((17.4 ±10.1 vs. 13.7±8.2; P=0.0001), fertilized embryos (9.7±6.2 vs. 7.3±4.8; P=0.0001) and chromosomally normal blastocysts (43.6% vs. 30.3%; P=0.0001).  Outcomes after transfer of a chromosomally normal blastocyst for these 138 patients all with prior IVF failures were excellent: 80.4% clinical pregnancy with fetal heart tone, 5.4% miscarriage rate and 76.1% live birth rate.

Our preliminary results indicate improvements in clinical outcomes following the supplementation of our natural anti-oxidant prior to ovarian stimulation. The restoration of the balance between oxidants and anti-oxidants in the ovary during the early stages of oocyte development may account for the clinical improvements observed. Please note that even though it is possible to purchase anti-oxidant supplements and products in pharmacies and supermarkets, our CCRM Acai supplement is unique! It is produced in a way to preserve the berry’s natural high level of anti-oxidant activity that we measure by biochemical analysis.

Study Criteria

Patients must meet all of the requirements and be committed to participation in the program at CCRM Colorado. Female patients will also need to have:

  • At least one previous failed cycle at CCRM or elsewhere
  • Maternal age ≤44 years old
  • Female patient must be willing to take OvaHealth supplement for 8-12 weeks prior to IVF cycle
  • Sufficient sperm for ICSI
  • Preference for an upcoming CCS cycle

Additional screening will be conducted to determine if you are eligible to participate. Those who qualify and participate in the study will receive the exclusive natural antioxidant supplementation for a nominal fee. Regular IVF and CCS fees still apply.

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