
Jessie’s Story


Why I Decided to Freeze My Eggs

My story begins with my sister in law who had the cutest baby boy a year before I decided to freeze my eggs. I saw she had some problems getting pregnant, and being that I was only a year younger than her, I began to get concerned myself. I had finished my MBA a couple years beforehand, and was living it up; I had finished my MBA, was traveling 80% for my job (Monday–Thursdays!), single, surrounded by lovely friends, and having way too much fun.

However, I could feel my biological clock tugging at me. Upon a visit to my OBGYN, my doctor recommended I think about giving Dr. Lisa Hasty a call. I later talked to my sister in law about this, and coincidentally, Dr Hasty had helped her through IVF!

We had a family vacation in October 2015. There was a picture taken of me holding my nephew in his baby carrier and my dad staring down at us. It made me cry. I had a great job, family, and realized how lucky I was to have a strong financial situation; however, I was very single. I knew I wanted a family, and didn’t want my choice to push myself professionally to become a detriment to my future child.

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