
Your Fertility. Your Family.

2023-06-29T12:15:53-06:00January 18th, 2019|

Written by: Dr. William Schoolcraft, CCRM Fertility founder and medical director

Individuals struggling with infertility often turn to the internet for the latest information on the field of infertility science, including effective fertility treatments. However, the information that is being shared online is often confusing or misleading and, in some instances completely false, sending individuals down misinformed paths wasting both time and personal resources. While the most accurate and reliable information on fertility is found in medical journals, the material is dense, technical and not written for the general public.

For anyone embarking down the path to fertility treatment, it is important to be informed. Being well-armed with knowledge helps you to become a partner with your physician, a proactive participant in your care, and sets you on the best course to overcome any fertility challenges you are facing.

With these factors in mind, my colleagues from across the CCRM network and I have written Your Fertility. Your Family: The Many Road to Conception. The book explores new fertility treatments and options that have emerged since my first book, If At First You Don’t Conceive was published in 2010, and presents the information in a way that is easy to understand by melding science with a collection of stories from real-life patients.

The new book includes up-to-date information on various paths to parenthood and addresses the latest causes and treatment plans for age-related infertility, recurrent miscarriage, and failed IVF cycles. The information is based on studies and research published in peer-reviewed medical journals but is accessible to those that are just starting their fertility journeys.

Additionally, Your Fertility. Your Family. has a guest celebrity contributor, the television personality and entrepreneur Giuliana Rancic, who has been a patient at CCRM and a champion of our work. Giuliana shares her own inspiring, yet complex journey to motherhood, which took her through periods of great frustration and some of life’s toughest challenges, but ultimately resulted in joyous success. She is a wonderful advocate and role model for patients, and I have no doubt that her chapter will inspire readers.

Knowledge and fortitude are two of the keys to ultimately having success in your fertility journey. We hope Your Fertility. Your Family. inspires you to stay the course and pursue your dream of having a baby.

About CCRM

CCRM is one of the industry's leading pioneers in fertility science, research and advancement, offering access to a national network of award-winning physicians, a full suite of fertility services, innovative technology and cutting-edge labs.

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