
Rachel’s Success Story


“Dr. Choi is extremely knowledgeable, straight to the point, explains everything in detail to make sure you fully understand every step of your treatment plan. She’s magical, caring and precise. I LOVED HER!! CCRM is a five star facility with amazing doctors, nurses and support staff.” — Rachel

Family is an incredibly important aspect of Hasidic culture, so Rachel* always knew that she wanted a large family with multiple children. Shortly after marrying, Rachel and her husband decided to start having children. Rachel’s periods were irregular and things didn’t seem quite right, but her ob/gyn assured her that she shouldn’t worry. She was young – only 21 years old. Just keep trying, they insisted.

However, after a year and half of trying, Rachel still wasn’t pregnant. Ultimately, it was Rachel’s rabbi that recommended that she seek care at CCRM. After a series of tests, Rachel’s reproductive endocrinologist, discovered that Rachel had diminished ovarian reserve (a low number of eggs in her ovaries). As a woman in her early 20s, the news was disheartening.

Dr. Choi explained to Rachel that she had a 20% chance of conceiving a child with in vitro fertilization (IVF). Although the odds were not in their favor, Rachel and her husband decided to move forward with treatment.

Rachel received follicle-stimulating hormones and when the timing was finally right, she went back to CCRM for her egg retrieval. “We were thrilled to have the opportunity to go through IVF since we knew without this treatment our chances of becoming pregnant would be extremely limited,” Rachel said. “Although we were nervous about the outcome, we knew we were in such good hands. Amazingly, we were relaxed and at ease during the egg retrieval process.”

Three eggs were retrieved and only one was suitable for transfer. Unfortunately, the transfer was not successful. However, Rachel felt like IVF had “kick-started” her system. One month later, Rachel and husband had an unexpected, but welcomed surprise – Rachel was pregnant! Her first child is due in November.

“It is not uncommon for women to get pregnant after going through IVF,” Dr. Choi explained. According to a survey published in the journal Human Fertility, three in 10 women who’ve had unsuccessful fertility treatments will still conceive naturally within six years.

Rachel is very thankful for experience at CCRM. “I’ve never had a physician like Dr. Choi before. She would check-up on us after hours to make sure everything was okay. In fact, the whole staff at CCRM was amazing,” Rachel said.

*Name has been changed for privacy.
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